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Trenabol-H 10ml injektiopullo (100mg/ml)


10ml injektiopullo (100mg/ml) of Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate British Dragon

Varasto loppu

tuotetunnus (SKU) 810 Osasto: Avainsanat tuotteelle , , Product ID: 369


Trenbolone H is an anabolic and androgenic steroid. The form of the injection is injection of 10 ml, with a dosage of 100 mg / ml. The main active substance is trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. Initially, the drug was used for medical purposes to increase appetite and muscle mass of livestock. I must say that trenbolone in the original unesterified form is used extremely rarely, as a rule, the active substance combines with any ether. This ensures a prolonged intake of the steroid into the blood and significantly reduces the number of injections.


Pharmacological action of trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate:

 is the original trenbolone with delayed-action hexahydrobenzyl carbonate.
The release of matter and depot: the gradual intake of it into the blood occurs within two weeks, and this is a big plus in comparison with frequent injections of acetate trenbolone.
Trenbolone does not aromatize, but is a very strong progestin that in itself can provoke the development of gynecomastia, even without an increase in the level of estrogens in the blood.
To avoid this, it is necessary to use such preparations as proviron, arimidex, and also blocker of prolactin dostinex.
Trenabol-H 10ml is the strongest anabolic with a high androgenic component, so it is also characteristic of androgenic effects, such as acne, oiliness of the skin, alopecia, etc. You also need to know that trenbolone does not react with 5alpha reductase and its androgenic side effects can not be changed by parallel application of finasteride, therefore it is contraindicated for women.



Reviews of Trenbolone H

Some athletes complain of alleged kidney problems. But in fact, such testimonials about Trenbolone H are not true, since the change in the color of urine is provoked by excreted metabolites, and has nothing to do with the change in the state of the liver enzymes. Athletes note the effectiveness of the steroid as a means for levying muscle mass and increasing strength.

Reviews of Trenbolone H indicate a slightly overpriced product. However, this is compensated by its convenience (low frequency of injections) and the absence of side effects with properly selected dosages, the duration of the course and the use of appropriate pharmacology at PCT.


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